Left home at 12:15pm. Filled the gas tank of my car because it was low since last night, made a cash withdraw at a bank before heading toward the airport. The traffic amount at I-10 was heavy, but marginal at beltway. Follow the flow and arrived at the airport parking at 1:00pm and got picked by a shuttle van, getting off at terminal E for check in. Although I did not have any bags to check, I needed to line up to counter with other people with bags to get the ticket. Arrived at the gate and was already began boarding.
Driving toward the airport
I let my friend know that I get on the plane by text. The seats were very much full and there is a big guy sitting next to me and I cannot move around so I decided to just watch outside while waiting for the departure. I can see the stormy cloud far away. The plane departed at 2:10pm, taxied to a runway at west side and took off to the south then turned to right before breaking off from the lower cloud level.It flew over North of Austin at 2:40pm, Crane, TX at 3:15pm, North El Paso at 3:47pm, Descent began at 2:00pm at Phoenix time, 4:15pm at Mt. Graham, Queen Creek 4:30pm, Super Stition at 4:35pm, landed at 4:38pm. The plane taxied to the terminal.
Waiting for departure
Breaking off from
the cloud level
Crane, TX
Very a few
things I can see
North El Paso
Landing to Phoenix
Called my friend at 3:00pm to let him know that I arrrived. Took a shuttle to a Rental Car center nearby the airport. Rented a Nissan Sentra for this trip, left the airport and took AZ-101 to north. It was about 30 minutes drive to my friend's place. By 4:00pm, I arrived. Checked out his new house, meeting with family members. After 5:00pm, My friend took me out for a short drive to Cave Creek and Carefree. We had a dinner together at a Mexican restaurant, then my friend took me around before returning home. Took a plunge at home pool, ate icecream then Went to bed around 10:00pm.
Driving in Arizona
Country Road
Cave Creek
Dinner, Taco Salad
Woke up at 4:30am, because of the time difference. Had ommulet for the morning, for the rest of the morning, we chat and played with their daughter including tea party and drawing... Left at 11:00am, drove toward the State Capital, it was sunny and getting warmed up. When I walked around the State House, I can sweat a lot but at the same time, it did not last much because the air so dry.
Left the by 11:50pm and drove toward the airport to return the car. Found a gas station near the airport and Returned to the center at 12:30pm. Took a van back to the airport. Checked in at the counter then began heading to the security. Unlike Houston, the security was less crowded and did not have to wait too long. When I arrived to the gate at 12:50pm, the boarding has already been started. I met a lady with Google glass who is sitting in front of me. I am not following but she wore everything fancy; clothings, nails, and her travel case.
State Capital of Arizona
12:55pm, getting on board. The plane was pushed back at 1:12pm, taxied to the west end of the airport and took off to east at 1:22pm, giving me the last glance of Phoenix and Camelback Mountain. The weather was nice but the captain was reporting that some disturbance on the way, then around 2:10pm, I started to see some stormy looking clouds and lasted about 30 minute. The plane began slowing down at 4:55pm, the captain reporting 200nm out. Another announcement was made at 5:08pm for 90nm out. Flew over collage station at 5:11pm, and the plane approached from the west for landing at 5:27pm. The bad thing about landing early is that the plane cannot get to the gate since it is still occupied. We were sent to a pad area and waited for 5 minutes before moving toward the gate.
Leaving the gate
Watch a
plane landing
Leaving Phoenix
Clouds dropping shadows on the ground
Clouds dropping dots on ground
Stormy clouds
Walked to Ground Transportation after getting off from the plane, get picked up by a van and got dropped off at the parking. Left to first find a place to eat. I found a Chinese restaurant nearby and then drove to a gym to workout for 1 hour. Come home after buying items at Kroger. Spent evening checking emails and taking care of errands.
Copyright 2014 - Kosuke Ishikawa / Unauthorized copying of contents, partcial or whole, is not permitted.