Academics (Index)

Here are the classes I took during my study abroad. Unfortunately, I disposed many notes and textbooks so I cannot provide much information about those particular subjects, but I tried hard to recall.

Abbreviations used in subjects

In most of the subjects you study uses abbreviations on its subject. For example, English class uses ENGL, and Mathematics uses MATH. This becomes handy for many engineering classes since Aerospace Engineering (20 characters) becomes to AE (only 2 characters)

IELC (Intensive English Language Center)

When I was in the English school, there were six different levels. The classes are renamed after I graduate and I am not sure why they call them. The way how I describe it is my personal (Japanese) standard.

Undergraduate (Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering)

My major was in Mechanical Engineering, there are some changes since I graduated but I am not familiar with those changes.

Graduate School (Master of Science, Aerospace Engineering)

I do not believe there will be more changes coming but these are the classes I took during the course of study.

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Last Updated on 2004/09/24